Therapy for Professionals with ADHD

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Navigating your career, relationships, and life with ADHD may feel like you're constantly trying to run through quicksand—exhilarating at its best, frustratingly slow, and exhausting at its worst.

Deadlines, meetings, emails and to do lists that never end.

You're juggling tasks, losing focus, and you feel overwhelmed.

You feel pressured to perform, to keep up, and to excel.

Your anxiety is at an all time high.

So is your negative self talk.

Ever catch yourself wondering:

"Why can't I just focus?"

"Can I actually handle this job?"

"Why am I overwhelmed all the time?"

“Am I good enough?”

Do you feel worn out, exhausted, trying to balance your job, relationships, and life, all while battling the invisible struggles of ADHD and anxiety?

The thing is... you are not alone.

But what if... things could be different?

Picture this:

Imagine going into work and:

Speaking to yourself with kindness

Keeping anxiety in check

Unleashing your creativity

Harnessing your hyperfocus and impulsivity (instead of it harnessing you)

Trusting Your Intuition

Finally figuring out task management

Striving towards balance

You don't have to figure it all out by yourself.

What's where I come in.

One of my favorite parts of being a therapist is working with folks with ADHD, and holding space for them while they unlearn negative self talk they have been hearing for decades or learning affirming techniques that actually work for them. Being a neurodivergent affirming therapist isn't just a role for me; it's a passion.

Ever felt like you're kinda on your own island?

Like nobody gets the real you, or that help's just not helpful?

Trust me, I've been there. I get it.

My approach to helping ADHDers is much more than "have you tried using a planner?" eyeroll-worthy advice. And it goes deeper than standard ADHD coaching methods.

Therapy with me looks like:

Emotional Regulation Healing: learning to manage intense emotions like frustration and mood swings, improving emotional regulation.

Self-Discovery and Identity Work: ADHD is just a part of you, it doesn't define you.

Mindfulness: Learn techniques that actually work, reduce stress, and manage emotions.

Improve your Relationships: Strengthen relationships through managing impulse control, emotional regulation, and improving self esteem.

Managing School or Work: Get the support you need, including strategies for concentration, time management, and workload management.

Joy and Passion Projects: Find hobbies, passions, and outlets that fill your creative side

Ready to change the game?

Let's tackle this together. Because you, my friend, are capable of extraordinary things.

Some Common Questions:

ADHD therapy with me is a personalized approach. For some, it could look like time management and organizational skills. For others, it may look like exploring self talk, self belief, and rejection sensitivity. 

It’s completely normal to have questions about your mental health! In our therapy sessions, we can explore your experiences together. If it seems like ADHD might be a possibility, I can guide you towards resources for a formal diagnosis if you wish to pursue that. Formal diagnosis is NOT necessary for our work together.

Seeing progress in therapy isn’t always a linear process. You may notice some improvements early on, while other changes might take longer. However, many clients begin to see shifts in their perspective and behavior within a few weeks to months of consistent therapy.

No, while medication can be a helpful part of a comprehensive treatment plan for some individuals with ADHD, there are many different ways to manage ADHD symptoms, including therapy, lifestyle modifications, and behavioral strategies. If you’re interested in exploring medication options, I would encourage you to consult with your primary care physician or a psychiatrist.

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, it’s a normal reaction, especially when considering therapy. You’ve already taken the first, and often the most challenging step: recognizing you need support and seeking it out. In therapy, we’ll start by understanding your unique experience and creating a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your feelings at your own pace.

“Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

Take the next step now.